Why read this white paper?
Skeptics have an unfavorable bias against web push notifications. They believe many users don't accept the requests and the reach of the channel is low.
Is it a myth that web push notifications are ineffective? Or is it the reality? Can you dismiss a channel that's embraced by 17% of the internet users?
We made a deep dive to multiple independent resources including Google Chrome User Experience report to compile data that hasn't been shared before. Our investigation on opt-in rates and market penetration in different countries and industries uncovers the truth.
Competitive Landscape: Market Penetration
Global Response: Opt-in Rates
Game Changer: Web Push Notifications 2.0
Opportunity Cost: Untapped Revenue
Find out how people respond to web push notifications in different countries and industries. Estimate how big of a reach you can have.
See how your competitors adopted the channel in your country and industry to understand how you stack up with the rest.
Understand how hyper-segmentation and behavior driven messages boosted the effectiveness of the channel .
Calculate how much more revenue you could have generated with automated web push notifications.
The Global Adoption of Web Push Notifications
What's in this Whitepaper?
A sneak peek:
Penetration Rate
Opt-in Rate
Potential reach to customers and adoption rate by competitors:
Do you know how you stack up with the competition in your region?